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General Questions/New to Joomla! 5.x • POSSIBLE BUG? - JOOMLA 5 mod_feed Publication Date Issue

I have a new installation of Joomla 5 and I have setup a feed display module using the following feed URL:

https://www.[[youtube]].com/feeds/videos.xm ... Cs9J8Mx7fA

It works except that even with the Publication Date turned on the publication date being imported is being listed as the date of import and not the actual publication date. Below is a screenshot of the module and the associated portion of the RSS feed.



<feed><link rel="self" href="http://www.[[youtube]].com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA"/><id>yt:channel:bayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</id><yt:channelId>bayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</yt:channelId><title>Channel Makers</title><link rel="alternate" href="https://www.[[youtube]].com/channel/UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA"/><author><name>Channel Makers</name><uri>https://www.[[youtube]].com/channel/UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</uri></author><published>2020-02-26T19:16:46+00:00</published><entry><id>yt:video:b1o9GOBJ8Hk</id><yt:videoId>b1o9GOBJ8Hk</yt:videoId><yt:channelId>UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</yt:channelId><title>WE BROKE IT! ([[youtube]] New Thumbnail Tester)</title><link rel="alternate" href="https://www.[[youtube]].com/watch?v=b1o9GOBJ8Hk"/><author><name>Channel Makers</name><uri>https://www.[[youtube]].com/channel/UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</uri></author><published>2024-02-19T14:00:26+00:00</published><updated>2024-02-19T21:58:35+00:00</updated><media:group><media:title>WE BROKE IT! ([[youtube]] New Thumbnail Tester)</media:title><media:content url="https://www.[[youtube]].com/v/b1o9GOBJ8Hk?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/><media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/b1o9GOBJ8Hk/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/><media:description>We have been using [[youtube]] new thumbnail A/B/C Testing Tool (Test and Compare). Here's what we think so far! Check out our [[youtube]] System (and so much more) in Project 24: https://incomeschool.com/project24/?ref=45 Join the Income School Insiders group (free!) for first dibs on data videos and in-depth audits: https://incomeschool.com/insiders/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- How we can help you 🥇 Project 24 Membership: https://channelmakers.com/project24/ 🥋 One on One Coaching: https://channelmakers.com/channel-makers-audits-and-consults/ 🛠 All of our Current Recommended Tools: https://channelmakers.com/tools/ ---------------------------------------------------------------- #[[youtube]] #[[youtube]] #contentcreator Timestamps: 0:00 - Project 24 is our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from [[youtube]] channels and websites in 24 months. Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.</media:description><media:community><media:starRating count="100" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/><media:statistics views="1270"/></media:community></media:group></entry><entry><id>yt:video:-xjRZFmgLfs</id><yt:videoId>-xjRZFmgLfs</yt:videoId><yt:channelId>UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</yt:channelId><title>How [[youtube]] are Making Money in 2024</title><link rel="alternate" href="https://www.[[youtube]].com/watch?v=-xjRZFmgLfs"/><author><name>Channel Makers</name><uri>https://www.[[youtube]].com/channel/UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</uri></author><published>2024-02-15T14:00:00+00:00</published><updated>2024-02-15T14:00:03+00:00</updated><media:group><media:title>How [[youtube]] are Making Money in 2024</media:title><media:content url="https://www.[[youtube]].com/v/-xjRZFmgLfs?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/><media:thumbnail url="https://i2.ytimg.com/vi/-xjRZFmgLfs/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/><media:description>We surveyed [[youtube]] asking them how they earned their income and how much they were making. In this video, we break down the juicy numbers for you! Want to monetize with less than 500 subs? We'll show you how in this video: https://youtu.be/8qag1FYnthM These are averages but the potential is even higher! If you combine these methods strategically you can be making a lot more than $1k per month on your [[youtube]] channel! Check out our [[youtube]] system Project 24! https://channelmakers.com/go Join the Channel Makers Insiders group (free!) for first dibs on data videos and in-depth audits: https://channelmakers.com/insiders/ Got something to share with us (feedback or an interesting [[youtube]] find)? Go here: https://airtable.com/shre0hEysXMEeEz9g Legal Notice: Channel Makers is a product of Income School LLC. The “Channel Makers” name and O logo mark are trademarks of Income School LLC. Income School LLC is a limited liability company headquartered in Idaho, USA. Results mentioned not typical. No business is guaranteed to succeed, in fact, most new businesses will fail. It takes hard work, skill, and time for a new business to grow. The name “Project 24” is not a guarantee of success in 24 months, but refers to those who have a goal of creating an online business in 24 months. Some will succeed, others will not—just like any business.</media:description><media:community><media:starRating count="143" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/><media:statistics views="1636"/></media:community></media:group></entry><entry><id>yt:video:8qag1FYnthM</id><yt:videoId>8qag1FYnthM</yt:videoId><yt:channelId>UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</yt:channelId><title>Don't wait for 500 Subs to get Monetized (Real Data)</title><link rel="alternate" href="https://www.[[youtube]].com/watch?v=8qag1FYnthM"/><author><name>Channel Makers</name><uri>https://www.[[youtube]].com/channel/UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</uri></author><published>2024-02-12T14:00:05+00:00</published><updated>2024-02-12T15:45:05+00:00</updated><media:group><media:title>Don't wait for 500 Subs to get Monetized (Real Data)</media:title><media:content url="https://www.[[youtube]].com/v/8qag1FYnthM?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/><media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/8qag1FYnthM/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/><media:description>Did you know you can monetize your [[youtube]] channel BEFORE being a part of [[youtube]]'s Partner Program? These channels have killed it with their monetization and you can too! They are making hundreds and even thousands of dollars with less than 1000 Subscribers. Check out our [[youtube]] system Project 24! https://channelmakers.com/go This guide shows each step to build a successful channel: https://www.[[youtube]].com/watch?v=JX8BzcucwR8 Join the Channel Makers Insiders group (free!) for first dibs on data videos and in-depth audits: https://channelmakers.com/insiders/ Got something to share with us (feedback or an interesting [[youtube]] find)? Go here: https://airtable.com/shre0hEysXMEeEz9g Legal Notice: Channel Makers is a product of Income School LLC. The “Channel Makers” name and O logo mark are trademarks of Income School LLC. Income School LLC is a limited liability company headquartered in Idaho, USA. Results mentioned not typical. No business is guaranteed to succeed, in fact, most new businesses will fail. It takes hard work, skill, and time for a new business to grow. The name “Project 24” is not a guarantee of success in 24 months, but refers to those who have a goal of creating an online business in 24 months. Some will succeed, others will not—just like any business.</media:description><media:community><media:starRating count="203" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/><media:statistics views="2938"/></media:community></media:group></entry><entry><id>yt:video:dejiHpzW_pQ</id><yt:videoId>dejiHpzW_pQ</yt:videoId><yt:channelId>UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</yt:channelId><title>This Worked Better Than We Thought</title><link rel="alternate" href="https://www.[[youtube]].com/watch?v=dejiHpzW_pQ"/><author><name>Channel Makers</name><uri>https://www.[[youtube]].com/channel/UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</uri></author><published>2024-02-08T14:00:36+00:00</published><updated>2024-02-14T20:27:25+00:00</updated><media:group><media:title>This Worked Better Than We Thought</media:title><media:content url="https://www.[[youtube]].com/v/dejiHpzW_pQ?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/><media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/dejiHpzW_pQ/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/><media:description>Doing this increased our watch time and views by 100% each in one month. So we set out to find a way to replicate it. Check out our [[youtube]] system Project 24! https://channelmakers.com/go This guide shows each step to build a successful channel: https://www.[[youtube]].com/watch?v=JX8BzcucwR8 Join the Channel Makers Insiders group (free!) for first dibs on data videos and in-depth audits: https://channelmakers.com/insiders/ Got something to share with us (feedback or an interesting [[youtube]] find)? Go here: https://airtable.com/shre0hEysXMEeEz9g Legal Notice: Channel Makers is a product of Income School LLC. The “Channel Makers” name and O logo mark are trademarks of Income School LLC. Income School LLC is a limited liability company headquartered in Idaho, USA. Results mentioned not typical. No business is guaranteed to succeed, in fact, most new businesses will fail. It takes hard work, skill, and time for a new business to grow. The name “Project 24” is not a guarantee of success in 24 months, but refers to those who have a goal of creating an online business in 24 months. Some will succeed, others will not—just like any business.</media:description><media:community><media:starRating count="138" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/><media:statistics views="2090"/></media:community></media:group></entry><entry><id>yt:video:htK65aDKTmM</id><yt:videoId>htK65aDKTmM</yt:videoId><yt:channelId>UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</yt:channelId><title>Do THIS to keep People Coming Back to Your Channel</title><link rel="alternate" href="https://www.[[youtube]].com/watch?v=htK65aDKTmM"/><author><name>Channel Makers</name><uri>https://www.[[youtube]].com/channel/UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</uri></author><published>2024-02-05T14:00:35+00:00</published><updated>2024-02-07T21:54:36+00:00</updated><media:group><media:title>Do THIS to keep People Coming Back to Your Channel</media:title><media:content url="https://www.[[youtube]].com/v/htK65aDKTmM?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/><media:thumbnail url="https://i1.ytimg.com/vi/htK65aDKTmM/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/><media:description>Here is a link to the Persona's Worksheet! https://www.canva.com/design/DAF6Lg0w5y4/WKJwEvm8NnXvq9I5kZT2IQ/edit?utm_content=DAF6Lg0w5y4&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton TO DOWNLOAD: Login to Canva - Click File - Click Download In this video we talk about what keeps viewers coming back to your channel over and over again. Check out our [[youtube]] system Project 24! https://channelmakers.com/go This guide shows each step to build a successful channel: https://www.[[youtube]].com/watch?v=JX8BzcucwR8 Join the Channel Makers Insiders group (free!) for first dibs on data videos and in-depth audits: https://channelmakers.com/insiders/ Got something to share with us (feedback or an interesting [[youtube]] find)? Go here: https://airtable.com/shre0hEysXMEeEz9g Legal Notice: Channel Makers is a product of Income School LLC. The “Channel Makers” name and O logo mark are trademarks of Income School LLC. Income School LLC is a limited liability company headquartered in Idaho, USA. Results mentioned not typical. No business is guaranteed to succeed, in fact, most new businesses will fail. It takes hard work, skill, and time for a new business to grow. The name “Project 24” is not a guarantee of success in 24 months, but refers to those who have a goal of creating an online business in 24 months. Some will succeed, others will not—just like any business.</media:description><media:community><media:starRating count="196" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/><media:statistics views="2418"/></media:community></media:group></entry><entry><id>yt:video:Ss4u5_aILsw</id><yt:videoId>Ss4u5_aILsw</yt:videoId><yt:channelId>UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</yt:channelId><title>We Talk Thumbnail A/B Tester, Q&A and More!</title><link rel="alternate" href="https://www.[[youtube]].com/watch?v=Ss4u5_aILsw"/><author><name>Channel Makers</name><uri>https://www.[[youtube]].com/channel/UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</uri></author><published>2024-02-02T04:12:29+00:00</published><updated>2024-02-02T13:34:43+00:00</updated><media:group><media:title>We Talk Thumbnail A/B Tester, Q&A and More!</media:title><media:content url="https://www.[[youtube]].com/v/Ss4u5_aILsw?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/><media:thumbnail url="https://i4.ytimg.com/vi/Ss4u5_aILsw/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/><media:description>Check out our [[youtube]] system Project 24! https://channelmakers.com/go This guide shows each step to build a successful channel: https://www.[[youtube]].com/watch?v=JX8BzcucwR8 Join the Channel Makers Insiders group (free!) for first dibs on data videos and in-depth audits: https://channelmakers.com/insiders/ Got something to share with us (feedback or an interesting [[youtube]] find)? Go here: https://airtable.com/shre0hEysXMEeEz9g Legal Notice: Channel Makers is a product of Income School LLC. The “Channel Makers” name and O logo mark are trademarks of Income School LLC. Income School LLC is a limited liability company headquartered in Idaho, USA. Results mentioned not typical. No business is guaranteed to succeed, in fact, most new businesses will fail. It takes hard work, skill, and time for a new business to grow. The name “Project 24” is not a guarantee of success in 24 months, but refers to those who have a goal of creating an online business in 24 months. Some will succeed, others will not—just like any business.</media:description><media:community><media:starRating count="55" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/><media:statistics views="1189"/></media:community></media:group></entry><entry><id>yt:video:rAoZDYUpVWc</id><yt:videoId>rAoZDYUpVWc</yt:videoId><yt:channelId>UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</yt:channelId><title>A.I. DESTROYED this Channel (Crazy Case Study)</title><link rel="alternate" href="https://www.[[youtube]].com/watch?v=rAoZDYUpVWc"/><author><name>Channel Makers</name><uri>https://www.[[youtube]].com/channel/UCbayot0NQ0HWeCs9J8Mx7fA</uri></author><published>2024-01-29T14:00:41+00:00</published><updated>2024-02-13T12:44:47+00:00</updated><media:group><media:title>A.I. DESTROYED this Channel (Crazy Case Study)</media:title><media:content url="https://www.[[youtube]].com/v/rAoZDYUpVWc?version=3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="640" height="390"/><media:thumbnail url="https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/rAoZDYUpVWc/hqdefault.jpg" width="480" height="360"/><media:description>I studied a creator who went all-in on A.I. content. The impact on his channel was…. shocking. Check out our [[youtube]] system Project 24! https://channelmakers.com/go This guide shows each step to build a successful channel: https://www.[[youtube]].com/watch?v=JX8BzcucwR8 Join the Channel Makers Insiders group (free!) for first dibs on data videos and in-depth audits: https://channelmakers.com/insiders/ Got something to share with us (feedback or an interesting [[youtube]] find)? Go here: https://airtable.com/shre0hEysXMEeEz9g Legal Notice: Channel Makers is a product of Income School LLC. The “Channel Makers” name and O logo mark are trademarks of Income School LLC. Income School LLC is a limited liability company headquartered in Idaho, USA. Results mentioned not typical. No business is guaranteed to succeed, in fact, most new businesses will fail. It takes hard work, skill, and time for a new business to grow. The name “Project 24” is not a guarantee of success in 24 months, but refers to those who have a goal of creating an online business in 24 months. Some will succeed, others will not—just like any business.</media:description><media:community><media:starRating count="143" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/><media:statistics views="2819"/></media:community></media:group></entry>
Is this a bug? Any suggestions on how to fix it or what to look at?

Statistics: Posted by gbensonii — Tue Feb 20, 2024 1:36 am

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